At 12:40 15/08/2009 -0400, John Kaufmann wrote:
o If you select "Wrapping Text Around Objects", you find that it actually says almost nothing about the options to wrap text around objects; it just provides a couple of avenues to get to those options.

There's a link there to what you need: that's OK for me, in fact.

o If you select "Wrap" (first entry), it gives you, in a conceptual mess, explanations for "No wrap", "Page wrap", "Dynamic page wrap", "Wrap through", "In background", "Contour", "Edit Contour", "First paragraph", and "Edit".

My only problem with this, as I mentioned, is that I don't see that there is any way to set "Dynamic page wrap". I suspect it doesn't exist and must have belonged in some other version of OpenOffice - either earlier or later. In any case, I'm not trying to defend OpenOffice (or the help text) as it is, merely to try to help in its use.

 o If you select "Wrap" (second entry), ...

Incidentally, you appear to be searching the help text using the Find tab. I usually (though not always) find the Index tab more useful. Typing "wrap" takes you straight to "wrapping text" and "wrapping text;editing contours", and the top of the branch that you need.

... Writer seems to have no notion of the boundaries of the picture: a subsequent picture simply overlaps.

That's easy to explain: the wrap style controls how surrounding text behaves, not other pictures. Pictures are positioned independently. The wrap styles of the pictures then control how the text behaves.

Brian Barker

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