On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 21:46, John Kaufmann wrote:

> that I was *quoting* (admittedly with a sense of recognition) from page 20 of 
> the Writer guide 0208WG3-WorkingWithGraphics.odt, that "the positioning of 
> graphics is often rather time-consuming and may be very frustrating for 
> [even] experienced users."  IOW, I'm hardly alone in that impression.

And you'll note that the group that  wrote that article does _not_
consistently use  styles, but resorts  to manual formatting --- a
condition that is known  to cause  havoc  with frame placement. As
such, frustration is what  you  _should_  expect.

> That may indeed be part of the problem.  I will admit to some irritation at 
> an OO tendency to adopt styles automagically, but then I'm still learning how 
> to turn off those things.

What  you should get rid of, is the formatting  toolbar, and only use
Stylist.  That you end up with 25K styles  is  irrelevant.  The
results will still be  predictable, and containable.

>  However, the fact that styles can be invoked without being "explicitly used" 
> seems to me an argument *for* a tool to examine formatting, rather than 
> against it.

That functionality is present as a bone to those who point blank
refuse to learn how to use the tools that they are given.  A bone that
should be withdrawn from them, because it only serves to cripple,
handicap  and  inflict computer illiteracy and incompetence on them.

> My question was about a document which I wrote from scratch - 10-12 pages

A  document that includes manual formatting.

> But what if I *had* been editing something from someone else?  In what 
> possible universe would one say that the only proper way to edit that 
> document's formatting is to "restart to write the document from scratch"?

The same universe that has held as conventional wisdom, for at least
two decades,  that manual formatting is guaranteed to  wreck havoc on
the document.

If the document used  no manual formatting, then the issue won't
exist. (And yes, I'm speaking form experience, having added 26K images
to a document of almost that many pages.)

>  How does that attitude advance the word processor over the typewriter?

Manual formatting insists on treating a word processor as a typewriter.

>  Again, why argue against any tool that highlights hidden format constraints?

The so-called hidden format constraints are there only because  one is
not paying attention to what  one is doing.

>  o I did not mention WordPerfect; you did.  I did say that I find merit in a

Inasmuch as  Reveal codes is touted as a WordPerfect  bug, you did bring it up.

> was introduced), WP was always among the most bug-free of major applications

Inasmuch as it was the wordperfect developers that admitted that
reveal codes was forced on them,  due to the show  stopping bugs that
they couldn't fix,  it is patently obvious that they  knew of those
bugs, and that  they  also knew that they could not  fix  them.


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