John Kaufmann wrote:
In a message dated 2009.09.20 12:52 -0500, Gene Young wrote:

Am just transitioning to Writer from other word processors.? Altho I clearly need to learn to more efficiently use Writer's styles, my vote is for a "reveal codes" option to identify when I have made some mistake and to help me correct it.?? The problem is worst when I have imported into a Writer document some info from other documents or from a web site.?

Have you tried tools > options > Writer > Formatting Aids > Display of - check everything you want to display?

Gene, since Bob has not yet replied, I will presume to reply for him: Writer's Display of Formatting Aids is not comparable to WordPerfect's "Reveal Codes" - which shows, for example, *exactly*:
 - where a user-defined style begins and ends;
 - where a picture is anchored in the text (or on the page);
 - what is included in a "protected block";
and so on. IOW, it reveals much more than what OO calls "Formatting Aids"; it reveals the document's structure. That's why many who have thought about it say that a "Reveal XML" function would be OO's equivalent to WP's "Reveal Codes".


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Probably, but I threw that out there on the off chance that that was what he needed. Sometimes we do tend to over-complicate things. <g>

Gene Y.

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