In a message dated 2009.09.18 19:44 -0500, Richard Detwiler wrote:

... I can make a running header with page numbers, but I do not
want the page number to show on the first page. ...
That is described here:
The reference you cited seems to be incomplete in its explanation. Actually, one thing the reference says is "(There are two easier ways, but with those ways, you lose the formatting if you save the document in .doc Word format, then close and reopen. This one works when you save in Word format.)". So it appears that Solveig Haugland, who is a master OOo instructor and knows way more than I ever will, wasn't being incomplete at all, but was just describing one way of doing this, and one that would be robust when the document is saved in Word format.

As Barbara said, if you create a page style called "First page", and when defining the style, under Organizer, for Next Style, choose "Default" (or whatever page style you want for the bulk of your document). There is then no need to insert a manual page break. When the page break occurs automatically (by text or other content filling the first page, and then needing a page break), the second page will be the "Default" style. (As long as you set it up so that the Next Style is Default.)

Aha! - so Solveig just meant that the page break is needed for the style change to be recognized in Word? Since OO recognizes styles for more object types than does Word, she may well be right about that - which would of course be too bad if it introduces an otherwise unnecessary page break, as I was trying to avoid.

I just tried it and confirmed that it works like Barbara and I explained it. Give it a try, and get back with any questions if it doesn't seem to be working (because it should, and does, work).

I was not the original poster, and have not had a problem doing the First_Page/Default_Page thing as I described. I was merely reacting to what seemed to be a weakness in Solveig's article that Lars cited. It did not occur to me to see the nuance you saw - that she was doing something that would be unneeded but for conversion to Word.

Now with your explanation, and Barbara's, I see the elegant approach: Simply specify First_Page for the first page, and subsequent pages will, by default, be Default; no further action required. If Solveig had made that fundamental point in the beginning of her article, I hope (and believe) I would not have misperceived her more Word-oriented approach.

Richard, thanks to Barbara and you for clarifying that,

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