I am very new to this list, and posted the message that started this
thread.  I need to thank several of you for some great answers.  I have been
reading all of the posts to the list for the past couple of days.  Like most
lists you have a couple of crack pots--but very very few.  You have a
quality list and I hope to learn OO well enough to be able to contribute
some day.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 10:45 PM, John Kaufmann <kaufm...@nb.net> wrote:

> In a message dated 2009.09.18 21:48 -0500, James Knott wrote:
>  When I first read about styles, it was in an article (book?) written by
>> Solveig Haugland and learned about following page styles.  Also, there
>> is this document:
>> http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/userguide3/0207WG3-WorkingWithStyles.pdf
> Thanks for the pointer.  One nice thing about it is the discussion of
> conditional paragraph styles (paragraph styles that are instantiated
> differently depending on their context in the document) - which brings us
> full circle to the OP's question: how to set up first page and subsequent
> pages to handle numbering differently.  So far, the only class of
> conditional styles supported by OO is paragraph styles.  Though OO does not
> (yet) support it, a conditional page style might, for example, have page
> numbers by default but suppress page numbering on the first page.
> John
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