AG wrote:
Wade Smart wrote:
Victoria Ceolin wrote:
Please remove me from the mailing list. Thanks

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Given the number of times that these requests come through to the list, I wonder if something might be open to a common misinterpretation of the instructions to unsubscribe.

The instructions are clear to most, but clearly not to a recurring minority and these all come into this list somehow.

Can this be fixed by the list administrator?


As Ron White once said "You Cain't fix stupid!" This also applies to "lazy." There will always be a select minority who are too stupid, too ignorant or too lazy to follow directions. I don't blame the stupid because that is hereditary and can not be avoided. That being said, I have no patience for the ignorant because ignorance is easily cured by a little effort. That leads to the lazy who can not be bothered to cure their ignorance. Unfortunately, I do not believe the administrator(s) can fix the above.
Gene Y.

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