John Meyer wrote:
Keith N. McKenna wrote:
Harold Fuchs wrote:
Twayne wrote:

I can't comment on how easy or otherwise it is to make envelopes in Word as (a) I've never done it and (b) I don't have Word installed or available to install. The only real difficulty I've had with envelopes in OOo was figuring out which way to put them in my printer. Once I cracked that, the rest was fairly straightforward. I seriously think that if you have issues in this area you ought to raise them with the developers (I'm not one) either by sending a description of what you think is wrong & how to fix it to or, probably more appropriately, by submitting one or several bug reports and/or RFEs (Request For Enhancement) to the QA system by following the advice & links at <>. I haven't looked but there may well be relevant stuff there already, perhaps even with release/fix dates.

I would be eternally greatfull if you could tell me how you cracked how to load your envelops for printing in writer. I have not been able to do it for my lexmark printer and finally gave up. Got sick of the constant headache from beating it against that brick wall.

Wouldn't that be more of a printer problem than it would be a software problem?

Absolutely. Which is why I don't understand why it should be easier in Word than in Writer to print envelopes. Writer has a quite sophisticated Envelope Wizard. As does Word. From what I can see from web-based documentation, Writer's Wizard covers *all* the same options & settings as Word's although possibly not in the same order and possibly not using exactly the same nomenclature.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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