At 12:13 28/01/2010 -0500, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
I ask because I have a writer document with a table in it I use to provide my doctor with a record of my daily blood glucose test data. I use my own personal time of day notation. It does NOT conform to any formally defined time format. And as far as I'm concerned, If I don't tell the table to specifically assume that table cell is supposed to contain a date it shouldn't be converting it anyway.

It drives me to distraction whenever my date is converted from:

11:20 am to 11:20:00 AM

But as frustrating as that is, it's as nothing compared to the ire I feel when it's converted from:

1 pm    to 01:00:00 PM

(actually I don't ever want any component of OO.o to ever automatically convert 'anything' I type, into 'anything else' except during a spell check operation. And then I would be ticked if it didn't offer me the chance to tell it to ignore an arbitrary string of characters that may or may not resemble a word. But there doesn't seem to be a master off switch)

If I understand you correctly, the switch is at Tools | Options... | Writer | Table | Input in tables | Number recognition. Remove the tick there, and your input will not be interfered with.

So I took the trouble of editing the blank source document. In which I selected the entire table and expressly set the number format to text.

That seemed to work, [...] Except, that I don't always use the same linux installation. And different distro's have different versions of OO.o in their repositories. And when I open the above document with OO.o ver 2.4.1 as supplied by my Elive installation (based on debian lenny) and type in one of my relaxed format time references it honors the fact that the number format is set to text. But if instead I open that same new document with OO.o ver as provided by my Sabayon 4.2 installation and type in my date it will insist on converting it until/unless I redefine the number format as text again using said OO.o ver (Unless I'm mistaken I used Elive's version 2.4.1 to initially set the number format of the /mnt/src/BloodTest-blank.odt document)

So while I know how to fix this on a per document basis, I'm curious why OO.o ver doesn't recognize the fact that OO.o ver 2.4.1 had previously set the number format to text???

Perhaps the difference is not in the different versions, but simply that the option mentioned above is set differently in your different installations?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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