It would appear that on Feb 2, Andreas Saeger did say:

> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:

Many words, though none quoted?
> Whatever you hate or not. A text-only word processor would be an embarrasing
> defective piece of software. You never sum up numbers in tables? Never write
> invoices or something?

It's not so much a question of what I hate. But of what I love. And I love
what I write to stay what I actually write. I did try to explain that I
wouldn't mind most of the automatic features involved both in the
autocorrect functions and in this table input number formatting, IF they
could be restricted to a spellcheck like operation where the document or
selected portions of it were scanned for possible changes that presented me
with the option to say "no" And didn't interrupt me while I'm either writing
or imputing words or other data. You may rest assured that if the spellcheck
function wouldn't wait for me to press <F7> I'd be looking for a way to
disable that also. 

I don't happen to agree that a text-only "WORD" processor should
automatically be considered defective. But if I was only doing text, I'd
probably just use vim. So I'm not asking for text-ONLY, but for
text-integrity... Let what I type be what I actually typed. 

As far as summing up numbers in a table, I'd prefer to use calc. If I wrote
invoices, I'd want to be using accounting software rather than a word

|   ~^~   ~^~
|   <*>   <*>      Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|       ^                 J(tWdy)P
|     \___/          <<>>

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