Barbara Duprey wrote:

> Lars, I know it doesn't *really* support ODF (hence the quotation marks
> in what I said), but sp2 opens and writes files with the ODF extensions.

And then promptly destroys part of the document...

> This allows them to claim that they do support ODF, and they also claim
> that any problems of incompatibility are the fault of (all) the other
> implementations not complying fully with the ODF specification.

Yes, I know that you know.  ;)  We all know that about Microsoft Office.
Sorry if that came across otherwise.   What we have to be prepared for
is yet another round of Microsoft people making false claims that it
does. The to links are a reminder of the discussion.

Two of the pieces that help us counter them are the Sun ODF plugin
and the fact that it is possible to have OOo on a machine at the same
time it may have a legacy application.

The increase in trolls, such as subscription unrequests, is also part of
their game.


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