2010/1/30 Lars Nooden <larsnoo...@openoffice.org>

> M Henri Day wrote:
> >  It would seem that I have failed....
> Failed on purpose by forgetting or ignoring the advice about, among
> other things, trolling with link shorteners: the less they are used the
> better.
> As 'Programmer In Training' reminds you, it is silly to use a URL
> shortener in an email.  Silly or not, it is bad form to hid URLs behind
> link shorteners.  The link shorteners create unnecessary separation
> between the e-mail message and the page cited.

Lars, were I you (which Heaven forfend !), I'd be much more careful about
telling others what is «silly» or «bad form». Your need to start flame wars
on this list is well known, but little admired....


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