My experience with WinXP/SP3, Intel CoreDuo 2GhZ, 4Gb Ram, is that it is faster than 3.1, but it is very crash prone at the point of saving a file at least in OOW... which is not good, not to mention a big waste of time. Now in most all cases I was able to recover the files, but sofar nothing I've done has made the process any smoother.

On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 11:48:01 -0500, Marcello Romani <> wrote:

David B Teague ha scritto:
 I understand that OOo 3.2 is available.
Would someone please give a very brief statement that you like it, and that it runs as well as 3.1? Any problems? One sentence would do. Even a URL to an OO.o users' forum would be OK. I have had some particularly bad luck in upgrades recently though NEVER from OO.o.
 David Teague
Flames to /dev/null, please.

Installed on a Windows XP SP3 system, Athlon XP 1.8GHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD. First impression is it's _much_ faster than 3.1 installed on the same system. Haven't tested it extensively, but no problems so far.

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release!

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