Soffice.bin is part of OO.o and has been for a long time and several versions. Assuming it hasn't been taken over by malware, it's completely harmless and is only accessed by OO.o. I've never heard of your AV program but, assuming the file is located where it belongs and isn't malware infected, which you really need to prove first, just set your AV to ignore it. FWIW, this is the first time I've heard of an AV program picking up on soffice.bin so ... either you've picked up some malware or the AV is ginving you a false positive. I'd really suggest looking at some of the more reputable AV programs; lots of them around and lots of users of them here ir you ask about them.



Thomas Blasejewicz <> typed:
Recently I installed OO32 on both my Windows machines (plus a Linux
Under Windows I have VirusBuster running.

In more or less regular intervals a little window opens in the right
lower corner of the screen, telling me (since I am running a Japanese
system, the message is in Japanese) that something called
"soffice.bin" is trying to access the system files and VirusBuster
has blocked that attempt.
And: VirusBuster marks this event as "highly dangerous".
This did NOT happen with what I used before: OOo2.3.

What is this all about?
IS OO32 actually dangerous?
What is this "soffice.bin" trying to do?

In other words ... what am I supposed to do about it?

Thank you.

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