On 03/14/10 09:05, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 3/14/2010 12:09 AM, Programmer In Training wrote:
>>>> I have an idea about that: Maybe you can type the file suffix 
>>>> yourself and then OpenOffice.org saves in that format 
>>>> automatically? I don't know, didn't try it myself since I refuse
>>>> to save as anything but ODF.
> That's how The GIMP works...

I didn't type that. Please correctly attribute what you quote.

>>> I believe you're running Linux.  In that case, you can ignore 
>>> extensions, unless you want to open the files in Windows.
>> Even though you don't need the extensions in Linux, it's still a
>> good idea to have them attached, just in case you forget what format
>> they are.
> Don't forget interoperability with that crippled system that makes up
> 90+% (most numbers say 95%) of all PCs in use today.

Yeah, I know. My parents still use Windows XP (and I still have an
account on their box so I can play Guild Wars).

Yours In Christ,

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