In a message dated 2010.06.09 21:55 -0500, NoOp wrote:

Your question was/is:

(1) What is the point of the envelope style?  According to the
Stylist, the page style becomes "Envelope" after an envelope is
formed from the Insert|Envelope wizard - but the page style
apparently has no connection to what was defined in the Envelope

Don't be anal ...

? I have no idea what that means (though I gather it is not good, and I don't know why).

... and reply with "So, you don't use the "Envelope" page style?"
when I've provided you with an example on how I *use* the style.

I'm sorry for taking you literally, but you were specifically NOT using the "Envelope" page style in that answer. Do the following instructions select the "Envelope" page style, or do they modify whatever style (usually "Default") is in effect?
Open a new Writer document. Format|Page|Paper format:|Format:#10
Envelope|Orientation:Landscape. Address your envelope & print.

Anyway, I don't get it: Why does this have to devolve into nastiness? I'm trying to think about this very precisely and carefully because I have not

There is no "Insert|Envelope" _wizard_. It is a standard insert command

Sorry if "wizard" was the wrong name; hereafter I will use "command".

(Insert|Envelope) available on any Writer document. When you click it,
you'll see that in simply inserts an envelope _page_ above your
document/letter etc.

Yes, I know that. (In fact, I thought I described that.) And that page has the "Envelope" page style - but the characteristics are not the same. That is what I'm trying to understand.

(2) Where should the envelope size be set? - In the Envelope page
style, the Envelope wizard Format tab, or the Printer tab
(Setup->Advanced), or ... ?

See above. If you wish to modify the default Envelope Style:
Format|Styles...|select page styles|right click Envelope & click 'Modify'.

So then you /do/ favor using the Envelope page style?

Yes John, I do indeed favor using the Envelope page style. I gave you an
example on how I use if I need to simply create an envelope.

The reason for asking about the "Envelope" style above was that in the first answer (above) you chose to modify the default page style rather than select the Envelope style - but then in the second answer you selected the "Envelope" page style. I'm not picking nits; my head was spinning. I'm trying to understand your answer, and ultimately understand Writer's connection between the Envelope style and the Envelope command.

Of course I know how to modify a page style, including Envelope,
but a simple page lacks essential attributes of an envelope (like
address blocks),

Well, it's not that hard to put in your own address blocks, graphics,
return address etc. You see you have the freedom to be as creative as
you wish.

Yes, but there is an Envelope command that *does* provide the essential envelope structure - in effect, it defines an *envelope* (as opposed to page) style class:

while a page has attributes inherently absent from an envelope
(like numbering).  The Insert|Envelope wizard, OTOH, does define a
proper envelope style class, but I can't figure out its connection
to the Envelope page style.
The "wizard" is nothing more than a built in feature that adds an
envelope to your letter etc. When you File|Wizard|Letter and then
Insert|Envelope it calls the Envelope style to create the envelope for
the letter. When you open a basic Writer document and File|Insert
Envelope, you get a new page above the document to include an envelope.

Whether I begin a document from a Wizard (via Template) or simply a New|Text Document without the Wizard, Insert|Envelope works the same way (as one might hope/expect) on my system, so I don't understand this distinction.

In those cases it also adds an return address and address to block.
You can modify the envelope, or say a #10, by clicking on the envelope
*page* and selecting Format|Page. The "wizard" uses the Envelope style
to create the page.

I'm sorry, but AFAICS that is simply not true: Insert|Envelope has its own page size selection under the Format tab, with the same page size fields (Format/Width/Height) as in any page style, but it is *not* related to the Envelope page style. Not only are the values in those fields *different* from those in the Envelope style, but even the drop-down *list* of Format is different from the list used in page styles (including, of course, the Envelope page style). There is simply no connection between Insert|Envelope and the Envelope style - and yet after Insert|Envelope the page produced has the Envelope style. Those are the kinds of design anomalies that are frustrating my understanding.

If you wish to dig further, then I'd suggest downloading source code &
exploring from there. I doubt that you'll find anyone else on the OOo
users list that will bother to dig further. Sorry.

It may come to that, but long before digging into the code usually comes some idea of the design - what the code is trying to achieve. That's what I'm trying to understand here. (Even the wiki Writer Guide and wiki FAQ disagree on how envelopes are to be done - a ridiculous situation.) There are a lot of smart people on this list, and I hoped someone would have a clearer idea than I about the design intent.


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