On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:22 AM, John Kaufmann <kaufm...@nb.net> wrote:

> [This is a third attempt in two weeks at a question that has so far had no
> responses - I don't know whether because I ask questions poorly or because
> others are as clueless as I am on such questions.  If the former: my
> questions may seem long, because I do a lot of homework before asking a
> question, and try to lay out the background in a systematic way. However,
> I'm open to suggestion on how to ask questions more efficiently; meanwhile,
> I try again, from yet another angle.]
> <snip>

Greetings, John,

When read your first message, I noted the admirable amount of research you
did before asking your question. However, I found myself confused about
exactly what you were looking for, so I did not reply.

In your exchange with NoOp, I think I understand better what your root
question is. I think you are asking,
"There are two envelope-related features in Writer. One is the envelope page
style. The other is the Insert -> Envelope command. How are they related?"

I don't believe they are related. It seems to me they are provided for
different purposes. I would use the Envelope page style as the basis for
creating my own custom envelope template containing material I wish to
include. The Insert->Envelope command is a feature that allows me to easily
create envelopes pre-formatted with my own return address and fields I can
populate from a database (or, alternatively, overwrite those fields with the
addressee information). The inserted envelope does not use the Envelope page
style, but rather its own User format. But you know all that already, so
perhaps I'm missing something.

If you are asking the logic behind the design choices made, this user
mailing list is probably the wrong place to ask. We are not (usually)
developers. You might get better answers on a development list.

I hope this helps.


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