
Thanks for your reply, which does get to the heart of my question:
In a message dated 2010.06.10 09:29 -0500, jomali wrote:

I think you are asking, "There are two envelope-related features in
Writer. One is the envelope page style. The other is the Insert ->
Envelope command. How are they related?"

Exactly: how are Writer's two envelope features related?

I don't believe they are related.

Sometimes I think that, too.  However,

A) Indicators that they /are/ related:
1) The Help(*) says that, when you use Insert|Envelope, "The envelope is formatted with the Envelope page style." 2) The fact that, after using Insert|Envelope, the "Envelope" page style is automatically selected for that page.

B) Indicators that they /are not/ related:
1) The Help is simply wrong: Insert|Envelope has its own style class, which includes the specification of page size - in fact, from a *different list* than is used by the Envelope page style. 2) Though the Envelope page style is selected, its settings appear to be superseded by those in the Insert|Envelope command - and yet, to be honest, "superseded" is not quite the right word, either; I simply have not been able to figure out the relationship between those two sets of settings. 3) In the documentation wiki, neither the Writer Guider (Ch.5, "Printing Envelopes") nor the FAQ mentions the Envelope page style. However, the FAQ mentions yet another group of page/paper settings, those in the printer driver, which it says must be set - making *three sets* of page size settings related to envelopes - all different, from different lists.

[(*) If you look for the Help reference: Under the Index tab, see "envelopes". Under the Find tab, the search term "envelopes" yields "No topics found." However, drop the final "s", and it returns two "Envelope" entries, of which the first is the "envelopes" entry under the Index tab, and has the reference to the Envelope page style that I quoted.]

But you know all that already, so perhaps I'm missing something.
If you are asking the logic behind the design choices made, this user
mailing list is probably the wrong place to ask. We are not (usually)
developers. You might get better answers on a development list.

Maybe so. It's no wonder that envelopes are a frequent topic on this list, yet I could not believe there is no clear, unambiguous way to handle such a routine word processing task, and so asked here. I don't mind discussing this with developers but, if that is the route for such a routine issue, it suggests OO may have more fundamental problems.

Thanks again for your reply,

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