Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2010/08/06 12:49 PM  Michelle Konzack wrote:
Hello John Kaufmann,

Why do you send the mail to the LIST (I read it), to my private accound
and to my business cellphone?
--- end quote ---

He probably sent it to you because the headers of your message include:
Delivered-To: moderator for
Normally that means you would not see the reply since you are not subscribed to the list. That is normal practice for this list.

Michelle has a very unusual method of following the list -- not subscribing to the list or its digest for fear of spam, and not using Gmane, or nabble, or .... This means, of course, that all her messages go to Paul for moderation and can be delayed for significant periods of time. She sometimes starts her messages with a request not to copy her directly, or (as here) scolds people for copying her, but she's used the list for a long time and many of us recognize her "subscription" anyway.

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