On 10/30/2010 05:19 AM, jonathon wrote:
On 10/28/2010 07:00 PM, Ingrid Halama wrote:

I look at the votes of the issues.
Looking at them is a possibility.
However, the history of Issuezilla clearly demonstrates that votes have
zero impact and zero influence in what Sun allowed to be added to OOo.

Voting was clearly a sham, a means of creating the delusion that Sun was
allowing the community to state their preferences.

Sun / Oracle employees state that they look at the votes. I have seen exchanges by developers discussing what has the most votes while deciding on what to work. On the other hand, it is also clear that voting is not the only criteria used while deciding what will be done.

What is being ignored here, is that Oracle _OWNS_ the code that is in
the OOo cvs system. So much so, that it can, and does legally distribute
that code under a closed source, proprietary license.

So, do you take offense with StarOffice and the fact that Oracle / Sun makes money selling licenses with support? Note that the final product contains proprietary content (or at least last I checked it did). In the very early days, regular expressions and the database component were part of the proprietary content. Over time, these portions have been redone as open. I have no idea now what the value add is other than support (meaning I don't know how many of the previous value adds still exist).

Er no. The issue is that neither Sun nor Oracle grokked FLOSS, and are
simply using it as q way to get, or more preceisly, attempt to obtain
developers that they (Sun, and then Oracle) do not have to pay.

Sun, and subsequently Oracle, deliberately chose a Non-FLOSS license
that they require all code to be distributed under. The ones that are
playign the policital game, by choosing clsoed soruce licensing is Sun,
and Oracle, not Go-OO and LibreOffice.

I have worked with more than one company that are not willing to move to a product that does not have support provided by the company that produces it. The irony was not lost on me that I had no available support for the MS Products in question. For some products, however, the company actually sent people to our site to provide support. Will they change their position over time? Perhaps, slowly.

I am unclear how any of this pertains to the original post...

Andrew Pitonyak
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