
I cannot comment on how the mac install functions, but in the Windows Install, if you desire OOo to be the default for file types other than OOo file types, then you must explicitly state this during the install. So, if you were using a windows computer I would say that this occurred specifically because you told it to. Note that this is an easy (and common) error to make. Many years ago, this was the default and you had to uncheck it if you did not want it, now, you must check it if you do.

On 03/16/2011 01:25 AM, Lisa Dee wrote:
First - hardly a rant - merely expressing an opinion. I still contend that is presumptuous to set OO as default launcher. Second - I don't use Microsoft - only save my Pages (Mac) documents as Word .doc for those who do not have Mac OS.

When I do the "Open With", it only allows me to check a box that says "Always open this document with" - there is no box for "Change All Like This"....

Thanks anyway....I'll have to figure out how to make OO not my default launch...

Does this help:

btw - I don't mind working with OO, just prefer the option is all - no offense meant.....

Although it is not true of all people, my opinion is that it should be difficult to take offense at your comments :-)

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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