2011/4/1 Open Office <openoff...@renukaenergy.com>:
> Dear All;
>           Can anybody help me out in this issue..I m using Openoffice
> 3.3..But whenever i dump some data in
> open office from software  which supports only xls format  the dates changes
> for example 01-04-2011 will be
> shown as 04/01/2015..So i have to to this manually..Can anyone give some
> solution it will be of great help
> to me..
> Regards;
> Niket Kalamkar

Hello Niket,

See Preferences > OOo Calc > Calculate (3rd option) > Date
There you find 3 options, the difference between the 3rd and the
1st/2nd option explains why your dates change when you import from
xls. It used to be a difference I stumbled upon when I imported xls
from Windows into xls in Mac.

using LibO 3.3.2/OOo 3.3.0 on a iMac Intel DualCore Snow Leopard
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