On 16/05/2011 02:29, Adam wrote:
Let me be more specific. My document has numbered paragraphs and if within
the text I add a cross reference to one of these paragraphs using Insert>
Cross r*e*ference...>  Numbered Paragraphs and then select "Number" in the
Insert reference to option I get the following in the insertion point of my

84.<--- note the period

so what I want to do is add words like:

.....see paragraph 84 above.....

where 84 has been inserted with the cross reference function but I am
getting (note the period after the 84

.....see paragraph 84. above.....

suggesting that the sentence has ended after the 84.

Hope this clarifies.


Yes. That helps - needless to say I was using a simple page xref.

Taking a novice's look, I see that the cross-reference format seems to take the exact same format as the list label - so a label with a dot has a dot in the cros-reference, one with a ) has a ), and so on. If you use a list label format without a dot, the cross-reference doesn't have one either. Actually, thinking about it, this looks correct behaviour - if the list entry is labelled 'XyzzY' then the cross-reference should also say 'see XyzzY' or whatever, so if there's a dot.....

Anyway, you can change the list labels with the stylist (F11, select (probably) all styles, pick the relevant numbering one, and head for options.

Best can do. But I'm new to this feature :-)

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England
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