
Sorry your not getting the service your expecting. This IS a mailing list with
volunteers helping to solve other users' questions. Are you sure you sent your
emails to this list? I keep about a six month accumulation of emails archived
from the list, (I'm using other people questions to help me learn how to use
OOo better ;-) I've search all the way through from Jan 1st of this year up to
today and only found the last few emails you've sent in June! It appears
several others have search searched the mailing list archives as well and not
found you emails. Please, I not saying you didn't send them, just this list
did not receive them. So no one could help you because they never saw them.
(You might, if your still interested in getting help, want to send them to
this list. The people here (even though several DO SOUND rather rough) can
help, you just have to let them.
On 6/8/2011 10:32 AM, Gary Bertolo wrote:
> Why is it then that through all the Oracle Open Office OO.o3.3 this is one
> of a myriad of link choices to get questions to answers? So, If your not...
> then I apologize but I still need another link-source to Oracle to get my
> answer to the software program problem(s) that I have.
Sound like you may want to go onto the Oracle's main site and look for a link
to someone at Oracle you can talk to. I don't know what that would be though, maybe?
>  I did unsubscribe
> this morning from Can you or some one at least get me
> the proper link or a proper link to send the same problem message out.
> Even a 1-800 # will work.
> Gar  (Denver, Co)
What part of Denver? I spent my teenage years on the west side (Lakewood)
before all fields were turned into housing.
> PS Thanks for your response back to me today. Mike Scott thinks I was to
> abrasive and as he puts it... Jotting-off or not one jot.
Take care & Good Luck!
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