Li Song wrote:
Excuse me. I have been using open office writer about 2 years. And I
love this software so much. But recently, I meet a painful problem.

I finished a document with many mathmetic formula, add transferred the
document into pdf file yesterday. When I open the file today, all the
formula disappeared ! The pdf and original sxw file have been attached,
thanks a lot!!

Although the file has an .sxw extension, it is actually a plain text file, not a StarOffice/ 1.0 Text document. Any images, formulas or other objects will have been removed when it was saved as plain text.

When saving the file, you need to make sure the correct type is selected next to "Save as type" - simply adding .sxw to the end of the filename does not necessarily cause it to be saved in that format. Since 2, the usual format would be ODF Text (.odt) rather than 1.0 Test (.sxw) anyway, unless you have a specific need to use the older format.

There was no PDF attached to the email I received; I think the mailing list removes most attachments, except those with an or Open Document extension (hence the .sxw would have got through).

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