Ineresting problem.

I downloaded both of your files.
IQ_mismatach.sxw - when I open it with LibreOffice 3.4.0 using a Windows
Home Preimumn computer the text is there but no formulas!

IQ_mismatach.pdf - when I open it with Adobe Reader X Version 10.1.0 it
looks like the formulas are there:

Suppose the equivalent baseband signal is z(t)=I(t)+jQ(t)
Since this is a text email the formula does not look like your .pdf and
sub/super scripts Sum characters etc are lost but the .pdf looks good to me.

I don't know if this is part of the problem or not but .sxw is an old open
office format.  If you are not using the newest OpenOffice or LibreOffice
you should download it and save your text files as .odf.  You will likely to
avoid future problems.

Hope this helps

Harold Hauge

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Li Song <> wrote:

> Excuse me. I have been using open office writer about 2 years. And I love
> this software so much. But recently, I meet a painful problem.
> I finished a document with many mathmetic formula, add transferred the
> document into pdf file yesterday. When I open the file today, all the
> formula disappeared ! The pdf and original sxw file have been attached,
> thanks a lot!!
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