I am responding as I file my emails on my laptop after initially reading them on my iPhone.. My preference is also this list.. I save any topics that I think I might need some day and delete the rest..

On 25/08/2011 12:41 AM, Mike Scott wrote:
On 24/08/2011 21:04, RA Brown wrote:
Jim Parkhurst wrote:
I rely on the questions posted and the responses provided. Maybe not
"heavily" but as a resource to answer questions I may have (or had).
Some questions are out of my scope. But the information provided is
valuable to me and to those whom I support.

Jim Parkhurst

Hi Jim,

This is the type of information that is needed. Would using a forum work
as well? If not why?

I'm another with a dislike of web fora.

They've always seemed much harder to use - whether to get a query submitted, or a response or to search archives. And you lose serendipity - with a mail list, you see a stream of questions/answers with the regular email and can leap in (if appropriate!), and fork a thread if necessary; with a forum, you have to make a special effort to look. And Effort is the watchword.

God Bless!

Art Pederson
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada

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* ***Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.* *Colossians 2:6,7*
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