On Wednesday 07 September 2011 14:30, Dale Erwin wrote:
> I was collaborating with a man who lives in Naples, Italy to write
> a dictionary.  Each page was in two columns and each page had a
> heading at the top of the page with the left side having the first
> word in the left column and right side having the last word in the
> right column, something very usual to dictionaries.  Well, headers
> didn't work so he used frames which seemed to work OK when I opened
> them in OOo.  The final result was that Word and Writer did not
> render the same file exactly the same.  With exactly the same page
> format, there were always a very large percentage of the pages that
> were rendered with a different number of lines in Word than in
> Writer.  This caused the frames to be wrong and also the anchors
> were not in the same place so many of the frames were just lost or
> displaced far from their original position.

Why this way particularly. Both programs allow headers, both allow 
left and right facing pages (although they hand these differently - 
refer page styles).

> If I'm not mistaken, both MSO and OOo use the fonts available on
> the system, so they would have both been using the exact same fonts
> and with the same page dimensions, so why did they not generate the
> same number of lines per page?

1. The default settings are different.
2. The programs are not the same. If they were and behaved exactly the 
same Microsoft would be pulling OpenOffice.org apart looking for 
patent breaches.
3. If you intend to have a program that is better it needs to be 
different, otherwise it is just an also-ran.
4. Not all versions of Microsoft Word, behave the same.
5. I heard in the past that different printers can effect the output. 
I don't know how relevant this is today.

> It took me a long time to realize what was happening and why these
> headings were moving.  My friend was dead set against using Open
> Office. He thought it made more sense for me to pay big $$$ for the
> MS product than for him to download OOo for free.

Your friend should have a little consideration for incomes in Peru

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