eschamp wrote:
Mike Scott has written on 10/25/2011 8:54 AM:
On 25/10/11 13:34, Amy Lowenstein wrote:
Data House, that would be "" -- you
tried two similar but wrong e-dresses. -- Amy Lowenstein, Yardley PA

On 10/25/11 7:30 AM, Data House wrote:
_/*please unsubscribe me*/_

At least there's politeness from the OP, unlike Another Thread near here.

But I've just noticed something. If I display that email as html there
is no 'how to unsubscribe' message visible. If viewed as plain text, it
does appear. This with Thunderbird. I wonder if this might be causing
some people to miss the message.

It appears in the HTML display of Thunderbird. What are you using to
read posts?

That one is a plain-text only message. There is no HTML part for Thunderbird to display, so it is displaying the plain text part, which includes the footer.


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