On 25/10/2011 19:51, M Henri Day wrote:

eschamp wrote:

Mike Scott has written on 10/25/2011 8:54 AM:

On 25/10/11 13:34, Amy Lowenstein wrote:

Data House, that would be 
-- you
tried two similar but wrong e-dresses. -- Amy Lowenstein, Yardley PA

On 10/25/11 7:30 AM, Data House wrote:

_/*please unsubscribe me*/_

At least there's politeness from the OP, unlike Another Thread near here.

But I've just noticed something. If I display that email as html there
is no 'how to unsubscribe' message visible. If viewed as plain text, it
does appear. This with Thunderbird. I wonder if this might be causing
some people to miss the message.

It appears in the HTML display of Thunderbird. What are you using to
read posts?

That one is a plain-text only message. There is no HTML part for
Thunderbird to display, so it is displaying the plain text part, which
includes the footer.


To unsubscribe send email to 
For additional commands send email to sy...@openoffice.org
with Subject: help

I see the unsubscribe-info footer in every message in this thread, save


Then I suggest you look at your own email - the one I'm replying to.

Obviously the quoted rubric is visible. However, right at the foot, below "save Larry's.... \n\nHenri", unsubscription rubric appears or not depending on whether plain text or html is selected for display. This is with TB 7.01/xp-SP2. This squares with the the contents of the two parts in your message - one being plain text with rubric, one html without. Perhaps you could take a look and confirm please?

(But this whole thread has ballooned and is well OT. Time to call a halt?)

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England
To unsubscribe send email to users-unsubscr...@openoffice.org
For additional commands send email to sy...@openoffice.org
with Subject: help

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