I just wanted to say that I love the program you guys/gals developed, but I 
just wanted to make a suggestion I was wandering if you thought of making 
something like an encarta program or a streets and trips program. I mean it 
wouldnt have to be anything fancy but its just an idea it would give you guys 
an edge on works suite and office 2003 the one problem I have with encarta is 
once that year is over with you have no choice but to buy the newest product 
just so you can keep getting updates and my wife hates that. And streets and 
trips needs to be more like map quest just with addition of interesting 
locations nearby or on the way of where you are going. Like I said its just an 
idea. Oh and if I sent this to the wrong people because you guys had many email 
addresses to send to I am sorry and Please email back if you could. Thank You 
for your time.

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