Excue me, my name is Anna Ruth Baldwin.   I had sent in a question twice but 
they were returned by Mailer Daemon, but apparently I did something wrong, as I 
have 35 messages in my inbox and none refer to what I asked.   This is what I 
Boy, some word processing!   A lot of nice things, it seems.  It is so 
voluminous and will take a long time to get acquainted with it.
I have been to the Help menu trying to find out some information, but I am 
probably not looking for the correct subject.   I am making a table of expenses 
- well, I am tabbing  and want it to look like this:    
                                          Monthly           Yearly
Dental premium                      13                 156
Medical out-of-pocket          249              2,988   
I have not been able to find out how to have them line up corectly.   They look 
like this on my expenses listing:  





Hope I have explained it okay.


Thanks, Anna Ruth

Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Probably a little more info is needed. What format are these materials
in... Since I know that I happily read power point formatted
presentations daily using OOo.

What is the extension of the files and what were they created with?


On 8/22/05, Doug Anderson wrote:
> Question.
> With open offive and Xp am unable to read material, text and power point on a 
> university study support site
> - whay do I have to do
> Yours
> Doug Andersen

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