In a message dated 16/09/2005 16:23:30 GMT Standard Time,  

keith  wrote:
> I have been using 1.3 for sometime and recently downloaded  1.9X.  I am 
> impressed with the new version and would like to  make it my primary word 
> processor.  However there is one  function that has been in MS works and 
> most higher power word  processors for some time, that is the ability to 
> check  grammar.
> Will Open Office 2.0 have a grammar checker, or is  there a plugging to 
> provide this function for this and/or the earlier  versions.

I will say this from someone that loved the idea of  a grammar checker 
and purchased some of the first ones on the market back  in the windows 
3.1 days.  They are not that good.

I am  terrible at grammar as I hated english and language arts in school. 
But I found that the grammar checkers were no real help in most  cases.

Do I miss a grammar checker?  No, I haven't thought about  one in years.

Robin  Laing

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What it seems you are forgetting is that Open Office is a different  
application that rivals MS Office, and for free software that is  Proactively 
i'm sure it can only get better.
 The one problem with Grammar Checkers is "Native Language", as  grammar 
changes from country to country.
 i.e. - English and French (and most other European grammar is  quite 
I would like to add that 1.9X is a Beta version, and I would like to think  
that the final release will have a comprehensive 'Grammar Checker' to suit  
most languages.
Dave Mcmahon.

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