Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
mike scott wrote:

I'm puzzled as to (a) what hidden /paragraphs/ (would) provide that can't be done with /sections/, and (b) why the syntax for the conditions seems to be so different.

I could be mis-remembering, but I think that you can't have sections inside frames or inside a single column on a multi-column page. I can think of many situations in my own work where I would want to have conditional or hidden text or paragraphs in one of those situations.

Addendum to my earlier note: AFAIK, you can't use sections inside table cells, either.

Well, I'll be darned. I just tested all three of the above (frames, columns, and table cells), and discovered that I could use sections in each case.

Thanks, Mike! I'm glad to have learned something new and useful today. And I've made a note of yet another thing to add to the Writer Guide.

Cheers, Jean

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