Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Jean Hollis Weber wrote,
 >Andrew Pitonyak wrote,

Jonathon Coombes wrote,

According to my knowledgebase, the hidden paragraph technique
is known NOT to work with version 2.0 at this stage.

Can you download and try one of the version 2.01 releease
candidates and see if it is fixed there?

 > It does not work in 2.0.1RC2. I am downloading RC4 and will
 > check this (among other things) there.

This still doesn't work correctly in RC4.

Regards, Jean

With this in mind, can't the website provide an updated document to explain how to properly hide blank merge lines? It's quite frustrating to figure this out if you're new to OO. It took me months, on and off, to get to an answer! Luckily I'm a patient man who REALLY wants to avoid M$ products.


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