Hi Javier, 

"Javier Crespo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Hello. I am called Javier Crespo, I am usuary of you for , the only
> detail that and is a year not managed to install the packages of
> dictionaries, would please me to know if the possibility exists that
> offers support me to respect, Thanks and so long...

Can you describe, what you've done? Which version of OOo are you using?
If you're using version 2.0, go to File | Wizards | More dictionaries.
Select the language and then follow the instructions. Please be sure,
that a connection to the internet exists. 

If you prefer to do an offline-installation, please download this file 
http://epm.mine.nu/ooodic (provided by the German NL-team) which
contains all existing dictionaries. Then run File | Wizards | More
dictionaries and then select offline installation. 

Hope, this helps. 


PS: The given link to the file works only for OOo 2.0 (and above) it
won't work for OO.o 1.1.x!

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