
Someone sent me a ppt file and when I look at it with OOo Impress, it look OK, BUT it seems like all of the text is in English (Format - Characters - Font - Language), but all the text is in Swedish. This cause every word to be shown as wrong spelled. So I need to change all the characters of the file to Swedish. The text is located in different text boxes so I can't just highlight all the text with Ctrl-A. I am talking about maybe 50 text boxes or so on 27 pages. Is there an easy way, except writing a macro, to change all of the text in that document to Swedish? Of course I could just turn the spell checker off, but I want to use the spell checker also, since I know some words here and there are wrong spelled too...

Does anyone even understand what I am talking about here...? =)

1. Someone created this ppt file and typed it in Swedish. The file was then sent to me, and I am free to do what I want with it. 2. OOo Impress thinks it is written in English, therefor the spell checker doesn't work properly. Most words are shown as wrong spelled. 3. Tools - Options - Language: Everything is set to Swedish, which is what I want. 4. Format - Characters - Font - Language shows English for all text in all text boxes. I want this to be set to Swedish. I have already set it to Swedish in a few text boxes, and those boxes now work the way I want them to, but there are SO many more text boxes to work with. 5. I can't highlight all text of the file at the same time, as far as I know, since the text is located in many small text boxes.

So the question is:
How can I change Format - Characters - Font - Language for every single character in the file with as few steps as possible?

Thanks in advance

Johnny Andersson

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