On 03.04.2006 05:14 UK Time, Rod Engelsman wrote:
Herbert Eppel wrote:

Am I the only person with this problem?

No, you aren't alone. I have never been able to get the "remove expired article" thing to work either.

You might try running "Compact Folders" and if that doesn't help, exit TB completely, delete the .msf file and restart.

Thanks, I tried all that, but sadly the massive .msf file is simply recreated :-(

I don't think it is a Thunderbird problem, because it works alright with other newsgroups, and as I said, one of the Mozilla Champion confirmed that it appears to be a particular issue with the OOo newsgroups (or possibly the gmane server).

It is turning into a little more than just a minor annoyance - any further comments?

Herbert Eppel

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