On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 23:30 -0400, Bill Flanagan wrote:
> Ross Johnson wrote:
> >On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 15:48 +0100, Anne Claar wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Dear open office.org contributor
> >>
> >>Thank you for answering, sorry for not being clearer. I work with writer of 
> >>open office 2.0, and my interface (is that what you call it?) is windows 
> >>XP. 
> >>I have a file of about 30 pages. It started when working on pg. 23 I wanted 
> >>to scroll back, every time I tried it stopped "programme not responding" at 
> >>pg. 15. 
> >>
> ...
> >>Best Wishes
> >>Anne Claar
> >>
> >>PS I have attached the file.
> >>    
> >>
> ...
> >If you find it turned on then you should probably go to "Edit - Changes
> >- Accept or Reject" and click the "Accept All" button, or accept or
> >reject each change individually.
> >  
> >
> ...
> QUESTION:  Regarding "accept/reject,"  I've not been able go from the text to 
> the corresponding item in the table so that I can selectively A/R one change. 
>  I do see that clicking on the list brings up the corresponding text, but the 
> list sorts by time, not by location in the document, so finding the item in 
> the list that represent something in the text is a hit-or-miss adventure (my 
> documents tend to be 50+ pages, edited multiple times, with LOTS of changes 
> tracked).  
> There seems to be nothing in the right-click menu when a tracked change is 
> selected that allows A/R of that change--appropriate for a feature suggestion?

Hi Bill,

IIRC from the last time I used the feature, when the text cursor is in a
particular piece of changed text in the document, the corresponding
entry is selected in the accept/reject list, however, the list doesn't
scroll to make the selection visible to you. If you scroll the list
manually you should find the selected entry.


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