Quila Rider wrote:

Hi, I recently downloaded Office and love it, however when I send docs to other people they can not open them. How can I convert my docs to Word before I send them? Or, how can I make Office NOT be my default word processing program and only use it when I want? Thanks, I am turning more people on to your works, but in the meantime.....HELP ! 928.537.4411



You can designate the default format for saving each type of document under Tools/Options/Load-Save/General (in OOO2.0).

William Flanagan        Ph:  +1.703.242.8381
Flanagan Consulting     Fx:  +1.703.242.8391
45472 Holiday Dr. #3, Sterling, VA 20166 USA

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."
                                       --George Bernard Shaw

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