On Mon, 2006-04-24 at 13:02 -0400, Laurent Duperval wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to create a paragraph style that is bulleted or numbered by
> default. How can I do that? THe way I am doing it now, the only way to
> insert the bullet or number in my paragraph is to click on the
> Bullet/Number button.
> I want to creat a style where, if I click on a paragraph then select
> Format > Default Formatting, a bullet or a number appears.
> This use to work in OOo 1.x. How do I do the same in 2.x?

There are built-in numbering styles. Look in the stylist or whatever it
is called now under the icon immediately to the left of the bucket.

If you want a paragraph format you should be able to do that using the
built-in List formats but do remember to set the numbering style for
each level.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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