
OOO is a good word processor/spreadsheet/slide maker, compatible (though not perfectly) with the dominant document formats--and it's free! Also, right along with everything else, you get this great user support forum :-) -- also free!


Mr. & Mrs. Doskotch wrote:

I am a first time user, and I do not have a clue why I would want to become 
proficient with this new product?
I am not a computer wiz, but I can type with two fingers enough to get by.

What do I not get?
In simple English please or a grade three level example would probably help.


William Flanagan        Ph:  +1.703.242.8381
Flanagan Consulting     Fx:  +1.703.242.8391
45472 Holiday Dr. #3, Sterling, VA 20166 USA

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."
                                       --George Bernard Shaw

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