Matt wrote:

I have a better (?) suggestion: why not do what M$ does?  Leave it out,
but when the user tries to use a part of the app that needs it, start
the process of downloading and installing the JRE.

The fact that a program has to call home, to work correctly indicates one of the following:
1) The program is malware, designed to destroy your system;
2) The program is a trojan:
3) The advertising for the program is, at best, deliberately designed to deceive, mislead, and otherwise con the victim into using something that never was intended to meet their needs.

adding the missing functionality easily later on.

OOo already has a reputation for violating a11y. Do your really want to convince the world that OOo will_never_ be be in compliance with section 508 (USA) or the equivalent European standards?

As it is, an HR attorney can give corporate 100 000 reasons to not use OOo.

If anything, the version with Java should be the default, and the other version available only by playing "the Great Internet Hunt".



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