I'm not exactly sure what you're doing to try to email the document.
If you create the document and then save it in My Documents, you can
then go to your email client, create a new message and then attach the
document.  Once Open Office saves the document to a file, it no longer
has any influence over what you do with the file (e.g. FTP it, burn it
on a CD, email it, etc.).

If you want to email it directly from Open Office (though I've not
done this myself), try to setup email in the preferences by going to
Tools -> Options -> Internet -> E-mail.

Good Luck,

On 7/29/06, Jan George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Why can open office not find my email.  It was suggested I save the
document and send it from my documents, but even this is not working.

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