Tan Bien Chuan wrote:
Dear Sir

I am using Outlook Express and Microsoft Office.  I received an email with an .odt 
attachment.  When tried to open it, the error message was "The file does not have a 
program associated with it for performing this action.  Create an association in the 
folder option control panel".

How do I open the attachment?  Also, if every Microsoft Office user has to "create a 
link" then most likely it will be too complicated to open a .odt file.  Can Open 
office be more user friendly?

B C Tan

Someone has already answered how you can do this, but I want to clear up a misconception.

If MSOffice can't open an OpenOffice.org file, then it is MSOffice that is not user friendly. The file format for OOo is completely open, so it is trivial to make an import filter.

In fact, MS is doing so in order to satisfy a requirement of on US state. However, they are not making it simple, because MS most likely does not want you to use OOo.

This however, is not something OOo has any control over, since Office is made by Microsoft, and you are using Office to open an OOo file. Please complain to them!

Crystle Numan
Administrative Secretary, Immanuel CRC
61 Mohawk Rd. W. Hamilton ON   L9C 1V9

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