
Just need a couple of suggestions.

I am using Data ==> Validity ==> Criteria ==> Cell range ==> Range_name.

1) Within the Range_name is a blank/empty cell I included on purpose.  I
want the user to be able to change his/her mind and replace a previous
choice with a blank.  Just leaving the cell in the Range_name blank
doesn't work.  How do I set it up?  Should I use a function in the blank
cell? If so, which one? Any suggestions on how to get this to work?

I have set the formatting in both the Range_name and the input cell to
'Text'.  Does that help or hinder?

2) Once one element of the Range_name has been input I want to eliminate
it from the drop down list for the next input in the column.  I can
think of several ways I might set this up by filtering to different
Range_name2, or using conditionals or lookups.  Does anyone have any
suggestions before I waste time experimenting?

I use Fedora Core 5 and OOo 2.0.2.
I have searched Help but didn't get any leads.

Regards Bill

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