Hi Andreas; 

On Sun, 2006-13-08 at 02:34 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:
> William Case wrote:
> > Hi;
> > 
> > Just need a couple of suggestions.
> > 
> > I am using Data ==> Validity ==> Criteria ==> Cell range ==> Range_name.
> > 
> > 1) Within the Range_name is a blank/empty cell I included on purpose.  I
> > want the user to be able to change his/her mind and replace a previous
> > choice with a blank.  Just leaving the cell in the Range_name blank
> > doesn't work.  How do I set it up?  Should I use a function in the blank
> > cell? If so, which one? Any suggestions on how to get this to work?
> > 
> The blank entry is at the end of the list, when "Sort Entries" is set.
> Anyway, the user can remove the content of the cell hitting the 
> backspace key, even if "Allow Empty Cells" is unset. Validity does not 
> prevent any changes except edit mode (try paste, delete contents..., 
> backspace).

I just finished getting it to work when your message arrived.  If format
is set to the same i.e. text, in both the source cell and the input cell
and the source cell contains only a space, the space(s) from the source
can be read into the input field blanking it out.  

I realize that stuff can be deleted but I was watching someone else
relatively new to computers.  They put the wrong thing in by one method,
so they tried to get rid of it by the same method. 
> > I have set the formatting in both the Range_name and the input cell to
> > 'Text'.  Does that help or hinder?
> > 
> Formatting of the source-list does not change anything.
> > 2) Once one element of the Range_name has been input I want to eliminate
> > it from the drop down list for the next input in the column.  I can
> > think of several ways I might set this up by filtering to different
> > Range_name2, or using conditionals or lookups.  Does anyone have any
> > suggestions before I waste time experimenting?
> > 
> =IF(N(MATCH(List;Input;0));List;"")

Thanks,  I admit I was getting tired and a little lazy on this one.
I'll try your formula.
> > I use Fedora Core 5 and OOo 2.0.2.
> > I have searched Help but didn't get any leads.
> > 
> You can't put all thinkable combinations of tasks and tools into the 
online help.

I wasn't suggesting OOo should.  I just wanted people on the list to
know I wasn't taking advantage, but had done some work myself.

Regards Bill

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