You'd be best to check out the license that comes with OOo, but if
your asking can you use and distribute OOo free of charge, the answer
is YES.

OOo can be obtained free of charge (apart from any download / CD
purchase costs - which would be negligible). You can then replicate
OOo onto as many CD's/DVD's as you like and give them away (you could
even on-sell them if you really wanted to).

Again - its always best to read the license for your own peace of mind...


On 8/21/06, Hazel Marchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Spider's Web IT
Supporting Adults With Learning Difficulties, Physical
Disabilities And/Or Visual Impairment Problems

Dear  Open Office

One of our members advised me to visit your web site.


If you view our web site you will see that we exist to help the disabled of 
Brighton and Hove.

Your product seems to be just what our members are looking for, and we wouldn't 
mind helping to distribute your product, as it will help our members too.

What would we have to do?

We  build systems for the disabled of Brighton & Hove and install and check out 
members specialised software for them, but as a charity.

We don't receive that much in the way of funding from the council, and the 
funds that we do receive have to pay for basic things like rent, our own 
training, and bus fares - as we support a lot of disabled members in their own 

Is there any way that we can join your list of suppliers without having to pay 

Yours faithfully

Hazel Marchant (Co-ordinator) Spider's Web IT


Web Site

      This project has been funded with a Global Grant, consisting of money from 
the European Social Fund matched with monies provided by Brighton & Hove City 
Council, Single Regeneration Budget and Neighborhood Renewal Fund.

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