On Sunday, September 24, 2006 4:11 AM [GMT+1=CET], James McKenzie <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As far as the use of a key to move up/down within a Writer document,
> this is through Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard tab -> Navigate.  You
> have to select an unused key combination to move up and down the page
> from one paragraph marker to the next and the reverse.  There are no
> keys assigned for this purpose but you can assign the Cntrl +
> Up/Cntrl + Down keys by removing the original assignment and then
> reassigning them.  The same can be done to move back and forth for
> sentences (which another poster in this thread has done.)
The problem with this approach is that you lose functionality - you no longer 
have keys that move paragraphs up or down. I had hoped to leave Cntrl + Up/Dn 
for its assigned purpose and to allocate Alt + Up/Dn to move between paragraphs 
but ...

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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