John Jason Jordan wrote:

If I export to PDF and open the document in Adobe Reader on my Linux
computer, the font appears to be embedded in all portions of the
document except the form controls. If I use the controls within the
original OOo document (i.e., in OOo Writer), the correct font appears.
So it seems that the export to PDF function is embedding the font,
but not for the controls. With the PDF file open in Adobe Reader I see
in Document Properties that Reader has substituted two of its own fonts
for "Helvetica." But Helvetica was not used in the Writer form document
anywhere. In other words, it appears that the export to PDF utility is
ignoring the font I set in the Writer document for the controls, and
setting it to Helvetica. Adobe Reader, in turn, is substituting its own
font for Helvetica.

I also have a Windows 2000 desktop. The Junicode font is not installed
on it (never got around to it, as I don't use that computer much). I
transferred the PDF file to the Windows 2000 computer and opened it in
Reader 7.0 there. The entire document, including the controls, came out
in a strange font. Adobe Reader 7.0 on my Windows computer could not
find the Junicode font and evidently did not see that it was embedded,
not even for the regular text portions of the document. Yet Adobe
Reader on the Linux computer does display the Junicode font, even if I
uncheck "Use local fonts." And the document properties says it is
embedded -- as a subset -- but nevertheless embedded.

This is all very strange, but clearly there is a problem embedding
fonts when exporting to PDF.
I've also had problems getting PDF readers to show certain fonts (e.g. some barcodes) in Form fields etc. using the inbuilt OOo PDF export while "printing" it to a file via Ghostscript's "pdfwrite" device worked fine.

I am going to see if I can
figure out how to install a PostScript print-to-file driver on my Linux
computer. This should give me a PostScript print file. I can then
upload that file to Adobe and use their online PDF generator.
On Linux, use the OOo Printer Admin app (spadmin) to set up a "PDF Export" printer using the following command in the printer properties:

/usr/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="(OUTFILE)" -

I can't remember if this is setup as standard in OOo on Linux (it used to be), or if I've inherited a really old config.

Ghostscript (gs) should be avaliable for Windows also, but I don't know the setup details.


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