Niniri Theriault wrote:
Hi, everyone,

I found a gentlemen's issues that sounds like the problem I'm running into with OOo 2.0.4. I've 
registered using Firefox 2.0, but the bloody registration reminder keeps popping up. I have told it 
"already registered" or "never remind me" and even tried registering again.

I'm on an HP laptop with MS Windows XP Home SP2. Short of gutting out OOo
and reinstalling, I was wondering if you had heard of anything with this issue 
windows? (I only have one 'user' on here, me, and I'm the administrator).

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom you can share, as I do really like OOo and find it far preferable to MS's Office that I have no choice about using at work!
I have already tried all the tweaks that were suggested in the mail list 
archives *and* in the documentation online for OOo 2.0.4.

Any suggestions?



This post on the forum contains links to a number of forum threads dealing with the issue:

If you cannot fix it, there is a file in the user settings folder which can be altered. I'll hunt it out if necessary.


Xfce on PCLinuxOS, OOo 2.0.2 (en_GB).
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